Your business is very important to you and those that you may employ. It provides you with money to support yourself, and hopefully it can help to support your employees in Bay City, Midland, Oscoda, Saginaw, Tawas City, and the surrounding areas. In order to keep that rolling you need to have business insurance to protect the business, and your friends at Safeguard Insurance Agency are ready to make sure you have all the right coverages. From liability to building to vehicle and other insurances, our team will shop the market to find you the right coverages that won’t break the bank. Contact us today to learn more.

Business Owners Policy

Man Working with Saw with Business Insurance in Bay City, Midland, Oscoda, Saginaw, and Tawas City

Small businesses in particular, but many businesses of different sizes may find going with a business owners policy to be a better option because it combines several different policies into a single group policy. These policies include both liability protection for the business as well as property insurance. This covers a number of risks including bodily injury protection, advertising injuries, property damage, and liability issues.

However, in many cases this will not be enough, which is why there are several other business insurance options to look at. Commercial auto insurance is a common business insurance policy that is needed even if you are using your personal vehicle for business purposes. This works much like your personal auto insurance but there are some key differences which your independent insurance agent can help to explain.

Whatever your business is, from an electrician to a baker to a lawyer, there are business insurance policies that are recommended to help protect your business from becoming another casualty. Your business is your livelihood and your employees depend on the income they receive to support their households as well. Business insurance helps to ensure that these things aren’t disrupted.

Even Nonprofits Need Business Insurance

While you may not think about nonprofit organizations as businesses, they essentially are and still need to keep track of finances, etc. They have boards of directors usually, and these people make decisions that could impact the organization negatively. Policies such as Directors and Officers are designed to help protect nonprofits in Bay City, Midland, Oscoda, Saginaw, Tawas City, and the surrounding areas. Contact our experienced team at Safeguard Insurance Agency to learn more about getting the right business insurance in place.